Calling all anxious achievers and perfectionists who want to feel calm and confident 

High functioning anxiety is a thing.

The worry is overwhelming. It’s an endless hamster wheel. 

You are going through the motions, confident and “together” on the outside, anxious and fearful on the inside.

Constantly wondering about the next thing – but you’ve lost sight of you, your needs.

You are so focused on being perfect, you forget about the business of taking care of yourself. Do you even remember what that’s like? 

Somebody asks you how you are. “Fine,” you say with your best fake smile, almost as if to convince yourself.


Everything is so much harder.

You’re not sleeping well – not eating well – you snap at those you love, then feel guilty about it later.

Even though you are busy, it feels like you’re not accomplishing anything.

You say mean things to yourself like, “Can’t you do anything right?” under the guise of motivation – but instead of motivation you just feel shame. 

You’ve been hiding for too long.

It doesn’t feel safe to share your struggle with anyone.

You worry if people knew the truth, they’d judge you and think that you can’t handle things. You’ve worked so hard to show the world that you’re strong and you don’t want to give that up.

You’re trapped. Darned if you do – darned if you don’t. If you get help, they’ll judge you. If you don’t get help… you shudder to think what could happen

Getting help takes courage!

Reaching out for help is not a weakness; it’s a strength!

Nobody who has done great things did it all alone. Knowing when and whom to ask for help is a skill.

Sometimes asking for help means overcoming fear, but overcoming fear also means that you’re using your courage!


Set your foundations through therapy.

First, we’ll customize specific tools you can start using today – to feel less anxious and more calm.

We’ll explore everything – what are the roots of your drive to achieve, to be perfect? Then we’ll apply strategies for anxious achieving and perfectionism to deconstruct this facade and let the real you shine through.

Did you say boundaries? If people-pleasing is part of your struggle, we’ll help you set healthy boundaries. You will develop assertiveness skills, improving communication in your personal and professional relationships.

We’ll even check out your sleep, your physical activity, and even the things you’re putting in your body. Because these can affect your mood and ability to function and are important for self-care.

Self-compassion will also be a central part of your journey. You’ll learn what this looks like and how to practice it. 

We’ll use proven strategies to get good habits in place or make existing ones better – without your feeling judgment or shame.

Therapy is your key.

Together, we’ll unlock solutions that fit for you. Once we have a solid foundation, that’s when the real exploration begins. And I’ll walk with you every step of the way.

Sometimes, the journey can get a little uncomfortable, but that merely means you’re growing!

It’s time to say goodbye to worry and overthinking. Say hello to achieving your ambitions while feeling calm and confidant! 

Call or text me today at (971) 245-2402, so you can create the life you want – with intention.