Compassionate Psychologist in Myrtle Beach, SC

Holistic Therapy for High Achievers

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Empathetic Psychologist in Myrtle Beach

You are struggling with keeping it all together. How can a person be this tired? Is this what they call burnout? Kit Sluys, a psychologist in Myrtle Beach, can help you answer that question.

Spending so much time in your head, thinking about all your to-dos and what everyone else needs, no wonder you feel like you can’t think. If I asked you, “How do you feel?” I’d get the obligatory, “FINE” but we’d both know that was a lie, a mask you wear to hold it together beneath the mounting pressure.

The worst thing is NOT that no one understands; the worst thing is that you’re afraid if people knew how truly stressed you were, they would see right through your mask and judge you. The people you do share with either don’t understand or they shut you out emotionally.

Feeling like you need a plan because trusting yourself is a lost sensation- if someone could just show you what to do. You know you have needs but you feel guilty for having them. You know you need to prioritize yourself and set boundaries, but you don’t know how. What the heck is inner calm and peace anyway?

Holistic Therapy for Professionals & High Achievers in Myrtle Beach, SC

Hi! I’m Kit. I help anxious overachievers who are tired from striving for perfection to rediscover their courage and true inner calm.

My clients learn tools for coping with anxiety, emotional awareness, relaxation, boundary setting, assertive communication, intuitive eating, self compassion, identifying and aligning with their own values, and more.

Further, folks who work with me learn how to differentiate between their anxiety, cultural expectations, and their true inner voice. They transform from feeling self-doubt to feeling empowered to be true to themselves while respecting the needs of people around them.

As a psychologist, I also understand the importance of healthy sleep, diet, movement, and relationships. That’s what we mean by “holistic.” Our thoughts can consume us but we have to work with your whole person to help you find peace and wellbeing.

I help my clients learn that it’s okay to say no, to do things imperfectly, to be kind to themselves. Most importantly, that you can do all of these things and still be incredibly productive and successful in your life.

Unexpected Benefits of Seeing a Psychologist in Myrtle Beach, SC

People I’ve worked with tell me about how therapy has surprised them. Some of those unexpected benefits:

Becoming a better parent

Finding a therapist who gave them actual tools and didn’t just nod their head and listen

Learning about their values

Enjoying the parts of therapy that felt like hard work

Seeing their strengths in a new light

Experience the Difference Compassion Makes in Therapy in Myrtle Beach, SC

Time and time again, my clients tell me that feeling safe to share, without fear of judgment, was key in their healing.

I see it too. I see my clients internalize my compassion, resulting in self-compassion that they never thought was possible.

In a world where we are beholden to others expectations and a culture of toxic productivity, compassionate therapy can feel like a magical unicorn you didn’t know existed.

By creating a safe space for you, the client, I’ll be able to challenge you in ways that will allow you to grow. While this might feel uncomfortable at times, you will feel supported throughout. The relief on the other side of this discomfort is priceless

Your needs are valid!

How can others depend on you if you’re drowning? The answer is – you can’t.

Maybe you’re sick of hearing the old chestnut, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” But I’ll work with you until you believe it in your bones, practice it faithfully in your daily life, and live it without feeling an ounce of unhealthy guilt.

I will help you get clarity on what’s best for you!

Schedule a free consultation for therapy in Myrtle Beach, SC​.

Calling a psychologist can feel daunting, but I’ll make it easy. We’ll spend 15 minutes on the phone and I’ll let you know if I can help. If I’m not the right person, I’ll do my best to get you to the right person. Click below to schedule therapy with me, Kit Sluys, in Myrtle Beach, SC or by telehealth. My specialties include high functioning anxiety, therapy for women, and therapy for professionals.

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Frequently Asked Questions about seeing a Psychologist in Myrtle Beach, SC

When should I see a psychologist – There are many reasons to see a psychologist. To list a few, persistent feelings of sadness or anxiety, coping with major life changes, feeling overwhelmed or out of control, physical symptoms like stomach ache or headache that medical tests don’t explain, relationship struggles, being hard on yourself, difficulty making decisions, difficulty concentrating, or a desire to understand yourself or grow in some way. Still not sure? Schedule a free consultation with me below to assess your needs.

Is it worth going to a psychologist? – There are so many benefits to seeing a psychologist. If you see value in any of the following, seeing a psychologist may be worth it. Those benefits include, but are not limited to: Understanding yourself better to be able to make better decisions, improved mental health, learning healthy coping tools, getting better at communicating your needs and understanding others, improved relationships, feeling more in-control of your life, feeling inner peace, getting safe and non-judgmental support, feeling empowered and boosted confidence, navigating difficult situations, and preventing something from becoming a bigger problem.

What is the difference between a therapist and a psychologist? – People often use these terms interchangeably. All psychologists are therapists but not all therapists are psychologists. Here are some key differences.

Education and credentials – Psychologists typically hold a doctoral decree and have extensive training in diagnosing, psychological theory, research, and clinical practice. Psychologists may conduct psychological testing and assessment. Therapists typically hold a master’s degree and the term may refer to counselors, social workers, or marriage and family therapists. Therapists provide counseling and therapy but may or may not have the extensive training in psychological assessment or research.

Licensing – While both therapists and psychologists are required to be licensed in the state they practice in, the licensing requirements for their licensing exam, education, and supervised clinical hours are different, often the requirements for psychologists are more extensive.

Areas of specialization – Psychologists can specialize in clinical psychology (like me), neuropsychology, forensic psychology, or other areas of psychology. Clinical psychologists get training on assessing and treating a a wide breadth of mental health conditions. Therapists may specialize in marriage and family therapy, career counseling, addiction counseling, trauma therapy and they tend to focus on everyday challenges and personal development.

Medication management – Neither psychologists nor therapists can prescribe medications (except in a few states where psychologists can prescribe with additional certification), but both will often work alongside prescribers.

Who goes to see a psychologist? – There are many reasons people will seek out psychological help. Everything from everyday relationship stress to severe mental illness. Other reasons might includes couples facing relationship difficulties, children, folks who have a trauma history, folks with substance use problems or eating disorders, and people with health-related stress. I work most often with high achievers and professionals who struggle with people pleasing and perfectionism. I help people who may or may not have a diagnosable mental illness but are also very motivated to achieve personal growth.

Take the first step toward lasting emotional well-being. Schedule your consultation with our compassionate Myrtle Beach psychologist today!​.

Call or text (971) 245-2402 now to set up your free 15-minute consultation or

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