Don’t let your career keep you
from a fulfilling personal life.

All that pressure you put on yourself isn’t helping.

Therapy for Professionals statewide in Oregon and South Carolina

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Chantal* wondered, “Am I good enough?”

Chantal has never felt this kind of stress before.

Every morning, thinking about the day ahead, she asks herself, “Is there a chance I will mess up my job today?”

She’s always done what was expected of her and what she expected of herself.

She went to school, got a degree, and marched right into professional life without the blink of an eye.

Everything seemed to be going so well.

Perfect job – check. Perfect relationships – check. Perfect life… right?

This is the life Chantel wanted, so why is she struggling so much?

Chantal always had to work harder than others to prove herself, especially in a male-dominated setting. But she always triumphed.

She’s sure she should be able to handle the things that are stressing her out right now. Her whole life, she’s achieved against the odds. Her parents made sure of it. She made sure of it.

Then why does it feel like she’s at her breaking point?

Feeling like an imposter, with no way out?

She can’t get through the day without feeling like she’s on the brink of tears.

She even feels bad for feeling bad. She thinks, “Why am I so selfish? People depend on me. I can’t let them down.”

So she puts on a brave face. She tells herself, “Come on; you got this! Just like you always have.” But it doesn’t work anymore.

Was even her relationship a lie?

She thought she had a perfect relationship, but Chantal knew she wasn’t always present.

She held back a lot with her partner for fear of being judged or rejected, and the result was she was often unhappy.

But she loved her partner and didn’t want to lose her relationship. Plus, there’s no time to focus on her relationship when everything else is falling apart.

I can teach you how to set boundaries and communicate more effectively.

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Welcome, I’m Kit.

I know the hard work it takes to be successful. And I know the added challenges we face as women, whether in the boardroom, the ER, or at home.

I also know the power of therapy and coaching. Without treatment, I never would have finished my undergraduate degree, let alone my doctorate. I would never have learned how to have a healthy, loving relationship with my body or learned to overcome limiting beliefs that kept me from pursuing my dreams. I would never have learned to love myself enough to create a healthy, strong relationship with my husband.

And yet, here I am, living my dream of helping you. I get up in the morning because I’m inspired by the people I serve, and I get to encourage those same people, too!

I know the courage it takes to pursue your passion when it feels like every obstacle is in the way.

And I’m not here to pretend like figuring this stuff out is easy. It’s not. But with some guidance and work, you can turn this moment of “brokenness” into a powerful transformation.

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Chantal knew things had to change, but it didn’t seem like they could.

I asked her if she’d ever truly put her own needs first. Of course, she took care of herself; she’s an adult. But had she ever made herself the priority?

At first, the thought seemed impossible. How could she when so many people depended on her and expected so much of her?

So, we started small. We found simple ways to treat herself better without feeling like she was turning her back on people she cared about.

We explored things that felt like obstacles to her, internal and external.


began focusing on
all the right things!

We realized that Chantal had a bit of tunnel vision; she focused on everything going wrong. All of her “liabilities.”

So, I helped her take a step back and see that these obstacles were also sources of strength and opportunity.

She learned when and how to use her “liabilities” in a way that served her. Soon they became her assets.

As we worked together, Chantal began to accept and listen to her needs.


discovering new patterns.

She began to realize how old patterns had served her in some ways but held her back in others. With this awareness, she no longer felt overwhelmed.

When we finished our work together, Chantal felt confident about the direction she wanted to take in her life and career.

She felt connected to her passions. She could balance her needs and the needs of others without feeling guilty.

With the clarity she’d gained, her inner voice that had questioned her abilities was no longer a nuisance but a trusted advisor.

*Chantal is based on an amalgamation of past clients. She represents the work I have done with many women.


Are you ready to stop suffering
& start loving life again?

Let’s talk. You can call, email, or use the contact form below to contact me.

We can schedule a free 15-minute consultation.

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